Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baby Food Bananza!

And the baby food making adventures continue! To recap, last week we did steamed carrots and banana slices. On this week's menu, banana pancakes, baked apples, peas, lima beans, and avocado.

The avocado was pretty simple. Just smashed it up, added lime juice and garlic powder, and done.
Peas and lima beans get steamed with some seasonings added.

I spent a lot of time looking for baked apple recipes I liked. I ended up just throwing stuff together. I sliced and peeled my apples. I only did 2 at a time so I didn't have to worry about storing them for too long. In a small bowl, I mixed a tbsp of flour, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I tossed the apples in the flour mixture until they were coated. I put them in a greased casserole dish and added milk until the bottom of the dish was covered. I baked them at 350 for about 50 minutes. And done!

Banana Pancakes! I found this recipe on this great website for moms who are making baby food, Momtastic's Wholesome Baby Food. I found so many fun finger food ideas and recipes that I can't wait to make.

To make banana pancakes:

Pancake Mix (I used multigrain)

Mix your pancake batter according to package instructions. Slice your banana up into coins. Coat the coins in pancake batter and cook on griddle until done. They don't take long to cook since they are so small. Hayes loved these for breakfast this morning! They can be frozen too! I used 3 bananas and made enough for breakfast for the rest of the week! These are so good for kids...and adults:)


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